Barnet Wellbeing Hub


A Social Prescribing Gateway


The Barnet Wellbeing Hub is a single point of access to the Social Prescribing Gateway for individuals to access services and activities in the community to improve their wellbeing.

It provides a flexible, holistic, person-centred approach focusing on your individual needs and wellbeing.

We conduct an Emotional Health Check, similar to a physical check you may have with your GP, this is an emotional ‘M.O.T’. This will help you identify services and activities that can benefit you. Your navigator will help you to ascertain your goals and needs, and employ a person-centred and tailored, social prescribing to inform and encourage you to access the appropriate services.


How does it work?


Upon contacting us, you will be greeted by a member of the Wellbeing Team. We aim to create a warm and welcoming space for you to learn more, access services, participate in activities that interest you, and to find out more information about what’s out there in your community.

The team is comprised of Wellbeing Navigators that are there to understand your needs, support you and encourage you to improve your wellbeing.

They will do this by offering you an Emotional Health Check. Similar to a physical check you may have with your GP, this is an emotional ‘M.O.T’ that, working with your navigator, helps you to identify services and activities that can benefit you.


What is available at Barnet Wellbeing Hub?


Talking Therapies

A space to speak to someone confidentially about anything that may be troubling you. 


Community Activities

A vast range of affordable social activities in the community from exercising, volunteering, skills training and more.


Get Your Voice Heard

The hub can connect you with an advocacy service that helps you speak up and protect your rights, options and responsibilities.


Information and Advice

We can also connect you to a range of our partners that can help you manage your issues relating to housing, employment, debt etc.

Self Referral

Please download the registration form by clicking the button to the right, complete this and return to [email protected] 


Download the Self Referral Registration Form

Meridian Wellbeing is the lead provider of the Barnet Wellbeing Hub service. The Hub has been developed in collaboration between a number of voluntary sector organisations that have experience working in Barnet and providing services that meet an individual’s needs.

There are many different services throughout the Borough, and the Hub makes it easier for an individual to access these services. We aim to support your wellbeing through listening and understanding what you want.

We can explore your situation and help you to identify the most appropriate services for your needs.


For more information on the Hub

Go to the Hub Website

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Meritage Centre
Church End


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Registered Charity 1058934