Webinars are video workshops or presentations hosted online which explore a specific topic.
We deliver a range of webinars that are geared towards supporting people with their wellbeing particularly in light of Covid-19 and the lockdown. Our wellbeing webinars enable you to easily access the support from the comfort of your own home.
Our webinars are led by trained professional therapists and cover key topics around wellbeing and mental health, providing a safe and welcoming environment to learn more about common mental health issues, learn skills and techniques that have been helpful for clients accessing our services. The webinars can help you to better understand and learn new ways to better manage your mental health and wellbeing.
Wellbeing Webinars every MondayOur webinars are delivered in two different methods:
Live Webinars:
The live webinars are held regularly and involve a combination of presentation and learning, and the opportunity to interact with the therapist and others in the group to share your thoughts and feelings. These focus on a particular common mental health topic with the aim of helping you to better understand what you’re experiencing, and learning new ways to manage your feelings better.
Pre-Recorded Webinars:
Our Pre-recorded webinars follow a series of common mental health topics and areas that may have affected you, particularly during the lockdown. You will learn more about identifying what your experiencing, the different factors affecting your wellbeing and skills and techniques to help to manage them. If you’re not able to make live sessions, these pre-recorded webinars are available whenever you’re free at your convenience.
Click here for pre recorded webinars
Our webinars are delivered in two different methods - Live Webinars and Pre-Recorded Webinars.
Our Therapists
At Meridian Wellbeing, all our therapists are qualified, experienced professionals who are there to listen, understand, and support your wellbeing. They are overseen by our clinical lead who provides regular supervision to make sure you are getting the most appropriate therapy.

Meet Our Therapists
"Daniela has the midas touch"
Meritage Centre
Church End
Tel: 020 7613 1008
Email: [email protected]
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Registered Charity 1058934