Stepping into 2023 ...Small Steps

Jan 05, 2023

January is well known as a traditional time to make new year resolutions. But I donā€™t think Iā€™m alone in saying this; by the end of the month I havenā€™t been able to keep up with them. Life gets in the way, unexpected events happen, and therefore I havenā€™t been able to fully commit to my new year resolutions. This can lead to us feeling despondent, and worse still, giving ourselves a hard time for not being able to achieve these goals.

This year has started different, thanks to what I have learn...

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Let me Eat ... Let me Sleep

Jul 25, 2022

Two of the persistent symptoms I experienced when I was ill with depression was lack of appetite and sleep disruption. Every day for over 100 days.

Aiming to eat three meals a day is incredibly difficult when you donā€™t have an appetite. Restoration for our body and mind is incomplete due to sleep disruption. Not being able to eat and sleep, at a time when we most need to eat and sleep, is cruel.

People say this is mental illness, but it does also affects us physically. We need food and sleep i...

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The Power of P

Apr 19, 2022

Out of all the letters in the alphabet, there is one letter which covers an array of wonderful values. This is the letter P.

PĀ is Possibilities. P is for Progress.Ā PĀ is Pride.Ā PĀ is Powerful. Other Pā€™s include:

All of these above P words areĀ Empowering.Ā They allow us to live in theĀ Present moment.

It gives us hope withĀ Possibility,Ā Potential,Ā Plans.

Creativity gives usĀ Poems,Ā Paint, Pen &Ā Paper.

ExerciseĀ gives us Pace, Physical, Parks

Good manners includeĀ Patience,Ā Polite,Ā Please.

And be...

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Explaining Depression to my Children

Mar 17, 2022

Blog article written October 2017

Iā€™ve been a mother throughout my unwanted yet unavoidable episodes of depressive illness. Iā€™ve been ill with clinical depression on three occasions over the past 5 years, and one of my biggest challenges at the time of being unwell, was to protect my children throughout this period.

Depression is bleak. The things that usually give us joy turn bleak. Itā€™s difficult to find pleasure in anything. Itā€™s hard to physically function. We can experience physical sympt...

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Fabulous February

Feb 03, 2022

Welcome to February.

Winter is almost behind us. We are on the last leg and we've survived 100% of the winter days. Spring is just around the corner, lighter evenings and warmer weather awaits us. We will soon start seeing nature waking up with spring blossom and new flowers blooming.

February does have some lovely features:

  • Lighter evenings. At the beginning of February the sunset is 4.55pm. By the end of February the sunset will be 5.40pm. We are already enjoying the evenings getting ligh
  • ...
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Motivation in the Winter Months

Jan 25, 2022

Itā€™s Winter. Itā€™s dark when we wake up, and often dark before we get home. It can be harder to get out of bed as our bodies go into some kind of ā€˜hibernationā€™ state. And who are we to argue with nature? Thereā€™s a reason why hedgehogs, bats and bears hibernate for the winter months!

Thereā€™s no doubt that something does happen to our body in these darker months. You have to dig deeper for motivation, which in itself can be exhausting. Telling myself aloneĀ ā€˜You must be more motivatedā€™Ā just isnā€™t c...

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Stepping into 2022 ā€¦ Getting off the Starting Block

Jan 13, 2022

January is well known as a traditional time to make new year resolutions. But I donā€™t think Iā€™m alone in saying this; by the end of the month I havenā€™t been able to keep up with them. Life gets in the way, unexpected events happen, and therefore I havenā€™t been able to fully commit to my new year resolutions. This can lead to us feeling despondent, and worse still, giving ourselves a hard time for not being able to achieve these goals.

This year has started different, thanks to what I have learn...

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Depression ... Recovery ... Creative Writing

Sep 09, 2021

This blog article comes fromĀ Sandra, a peer support volunteerĀ at Meridian Wellbeing. We share the personal story and empowerment of those who have struggled with their mental health.Ā 

My first experience with depression was in 2004 following the death of my mother. No-one can describe the feeling adequately and you will not understand fully until you experience it for yourself, but I will try to explain.

I chose to keep working. I needed a sense of some kind of normal, routine in my life, ever...

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Heart and Brain - A Cartoon Blog

Aug 04, 2021

Out of our five vital organs, our Brain and our Heart have the biggest jobs in managing the various functions of our body. Although these organs are cloaked within us and therefore not visual, when we talk about our heart and brain we are often able to conjure up an image.

This is what a graphic designer and cartoonist by the name of Nick Seluk has achieved. Nick has created a popular series of cartoons calledĀ Heart and Brain; which follows the inner dialogue between theĀ cynical, society-influe...

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The Critical Vs Compassionate Teacher

Jul 14, 2021

This blog article comes from an individual who uses our services at Meridian Wellbeing. We share the personal story and empowerment of those who have struggled with their mental health.Ā 

When I was poorly with my mental health I attended a few group CBT sessions. My attention span was pretty low but there were a few group sessions that I could relate to, and one in particular was called The Critical Vs Compassionate Teacher. I was paired up with a young lad and we had to answer the following qu...

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