Being Kind to Myself through Anxiety

Jul 07, 2021

Blog written in February 2018 whilst experiencing General Anxiety

I write this blog as therapeutic writing for myself, but I’m sharing it with you as it may be helpful.

It’s been a rough couple of months. And I don’t think that I’m alone. I think at this time of year, most of us are ‘hanging on by our fingertips’ as we are so over Winter, needing Spring to come to give us a spring in our step.

To summarise my past two months, they have been...

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We need to Destigmatise Mental Health

Jun 08, 2021

The past year has been particularly challenging for many of us, as COVID-19 and numerous lockdowns have inevitably impacted on all of our lives to different extents. 

Sadly, many have lost beloved family members and friends, and have struggled to process grief, which has been exacerbated by the difficulties there has been in accessing in-person support.

And for some, the increase in social isolation has meant not being able to follow our usual routine and do the things that we love. This...

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The Queenโ€™s Speech and reforming the Mental Health Act

May 18, 2021

Along with being the date of Meridian Wellbeing’s successful Mental Health Awareness event, Tuesday 11th May also marked the State Opening of Parliament and the Queen’s Speech.

The Queen’s Speech is a historic occasion in which the monarch reads a prepared speech outlining the Government’s priorities for the coming parliamentary session. A parliamentary session normally lasts a year.

This year’s Queen’s Speech specifically referred to mental health, with...

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Donna's Story: Depression is a Liar Part 3

May 07, 2021
Content Warning: This blog discusses topics which some readers may find triggering. 
In this blog series, we will share the personal stories of those who have struggled with their mental health. We hope to show the universality of mental health problems and empower others to ask for help.
In the final part of Donna's Story, Donna reflects on her experiences and looks to the future.


My Ongoing Wellbeing Journey
When I first recovered from depression, I made some changes in my life...

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Donna's Story: Depression is a Liar Part 2

Apr 23, 2021
Content Warning: This blog discusses topics which some readers may find triggering. 
In this blog series, we will share the personal stories of those who have struggled with their mental health. We hope to show the universality of mental health problems and empower others to ask for help.
In the second part of this blog, Donna shares the steps and tools that helped her with her depression. 

Recognise it as an illness.
You did not choose to be ill with depression. The same way you...

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The Future of Work: Wellbeing in the Workplace

Apr 13, 2021

In this new series, we examine the lessons from the last year and consider how business leaders can support their staff and businesses through wellbeing-led innovation. 

Having trouble sleeping?

Work on your mind?

Our bodies are just like a car. We need to be maintained through diet, sleep, exercise etc. And just like a car, when our wellbeing is affected by worry, poor diet, or a lack of sleep, we can breakdown.

This is not only bad for us, but has a knock-on effect on our...

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Donna's Story: Depression is a Liar Part 1

Apr 08, 2021
Content Warning: This blog discusses topics which some readers may find triggering. 
In this new blog series, we will share the personal stories of those who have struggled with their mental health. We hope to show the universality of mental health problems and empower others to ask for help. In this three part blog, Donna shares her experiences with depression

We all have Mental Health, as well as Physical Health.  All 7.6 Billion of us that live on Planet Earth.  And...

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Mental Health Crises among Children are on the Rise - We Need Greater Levels of Support

Mar 12, 2021
Content Warning: This blog discusses topic which viewers may find upsetting, including discussing issues around self-harm and suicide among minors. If you are a young person struggling with your mental health, support is available on the YoungMinds website.
In this blog, we look at the rising issue of mental health crises among children both in recent years and particularly since the onset of the pandemic.

The effects of lockdown on mental health have frequently been in the headlines...

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International Women's Day in the Pandemic

Mar 08, 2021
Today is International Women’s Day (IWD), a day celebrating the achievements of women and demanding full gender equality. In this blog, we take a quick look at IWD’s purpose and history and its meaning today.
We would like to warn readers from the beginning that this blog discusses some sensitive and potentially upsetting topics.

International Women’s Day has a long and rich history, which can be traced back to women’s marches through New York in 1908 demanding voting...

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Blog: A Look at the Demographic Figures Behind Vaccine Uptake

Mar 01, 2021
Some of our recent work has looked at the UK’s Covid-19 vaccination programme and the lower rates of uptake among ethnic minorities. In this blog we are going to look at topics which have so far received less coverage.

In recent months, we have been working on promoting awareness and education about vaccination and highlighting disparities levels of uptake. As part of this work, we are now going to take a look at some of the research on figures about levels of vaccine uptake among...

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